Golf Carts for Home and Work
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New and Used Golf Carts for Your Residential community or your business. What you need to know to purchase, care for and winterize your golf cart. Let's not forget renting a golf cart for special occasions. How to choose a reputable golf cart rental company, what's included and what to watch out for in contracts. Let's get started... Because this is where golf carts roam free.
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Part 3 of the Golf Cart Front End Alignment

The Beaver Creek Golf Cart team is happy to present the final video, part 3 of the front end alignment of a golf cart. In part 3 we tweak the steering to make it run like a charm! Catch the finale of front end alignment on a golf cart!

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Max 6x6, Aquatic Vehicle - On land and water

You ready for some hard core fun? This is the Max 6x6 sold by Beaver Creek Golf Carts in Braidwood, IL. This rugged Max 6x6 drives on land and also in the water! You have one of those properties or camp grounds that require a rugged vehicle to have the ultimate fun? This is your go to vehicle. Be sure to view our website for new and used Max 6x6's.

Part 1 Front End Alignment on a Golf Cart by Beaver Creek Golf Carts

Beaver Creek Golf Carts takes you through a front end alignment on a golf cart. Part 1 discusses the steering on a golf cart and how to test it for safety and quality. Part 2 is a much longer video that goes through the actual front end alignment on a golf cart. The front end alignment on a golf cart can be done on your own, or if you are in Illinois, the front end alignment can be done by our certified technicians in Joliet, Braidwood and Peru superstore locations.

Join us and give us your comments as we go through the front end alignment.

Beaver CreekGolf Carts Inventory and Party by QRock 100.7 Rockin in Southland Illinois

Always great to have someone sing your praises! Q Rock 100.7, Rockin the Southland did a great promo at our Braidwood Super Store location! Gives you a great view of all our EZ Go Golf carts in stock. But remember, new ones and pre-owned are always added. check the website at

How to Do a Golf Cart Brake Adjustment

Are you ready to learn how to do a brake adjustment on your golf cart. We'll start by showing you how to determine if the brakes are working. Next, we'll show how to adjust the cables and what to test to ensure the golf cart brakes are in good working order. Beaver Creek has certified technicians that can help you with your golf cart brake adjustment in our facilities in Braidwood, IL, Joliet, IL and Peru, IL. Visit us at

Be sure to Like this video and Subscribe to our Channel to keep current on golf cart repair videos.

Part 2 Front End Alignment on a Golf Cart by Beaver Creek Golf Carts

Are you ready for the highly anticipated Part 2 of the front end alignment on a golf cart? Here we go. We provide you all of the details on how to do a front end alignment on a golf cart, that you can do yourself. But it can be a little tricky. If you need some help and you are in Illinois, contact us today at 815 723 9455 to help you out.

Have you ever seen one of these vehicles?

This is the Max 4 amphibious vehicle. The amphibious vehicle is one that can go on land AND on water. However, it is not your Wisconsin Dells duck. It is much more than that!
These amphibious vehicles can be used for both recreationally, for your small business and for industrial applications. Let's take a closer look:

Recreationally: If you have an amphibious vehicle, you can get to places you've only wished you can go to. You can use it to get you across water, rough terrains and more. It's your one vehicle that can go anywhere you want to go to hunt, camp, or even hike! The sky's the limit.

Small Business: You have a small business that you need to transport people or product. But you can only get your work done if your particular other vehicles are ready to go. But what if we had a big rain or snow? Then what. This will help you get your work done regardless of rain or shine!

Industrial Applications: Manufacturing isn't always a pretty business. But there's nothing that says you can't ...

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